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Amarre 12 x 4.50 m de Alquiler Mensual en C.N. Arenys de Mar - 380 €

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Date Added: 05/12/24   Date Updated: 05/12/24

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Localización: Europa > España > Cataluña
City : Arenys de Mar
Postal Code: 08350
Marina: C.N. Arenys de Mar
Seller: Particular
Mode : Alquiler Mensual
Price: 380 €
Dock / Number: 2/20
Length: 12,00 m
Beam: 4,50 m
Finger: Si > Derecha
Parking area: Si
End of concession: 2045

(English Below)
Amb Finger
5 min caminant de centre i estació i 1 min dels serveis del port.
Parking per socis al final del pantalà. Possible acord.
Lloc tranquil.
Preus Lloguer (IVA Inclòs):
- Mensual: 500 euros
- Temporada estiu: 450 euros/mes (Juny-Setembre)
- Llarga durada: 380 euros/mes
Si no ets soci: Màx 3 mesos i cal pagar 90 euros mensuals al port.
Finger dock
5 min walk from the center and station and 1 from the port services. 50 min by train to Downtown Barcelona.
Parking for members at the end of the wharf. Possible deal.
Quiet place
Rental prices (VAT included):
- Monthly: 500 euros
- Summer season: 450 euros/month (June-September)
- Long term: 380 euros/month
If you are not a member: Max 3 months and you must pay 90 euros per month to the port.
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